Wednesday, July 28, 2010


hurm. the same title. i've wrote about this on my previous blog. maybe the title will be the same but the contents will be a bit different.

"CHANGE is the only thing that is constant"

i dont know who i should write as the the one who said it because when i googled it, many names appeared. so ignore it. it's the words that matter.

it's obvious right? i mean do i have to explain it to you guys? i dont think so

well, i see many changes happened around me.

mostly about heart and attitude. kalau bab barang2 baru, durhhhhh. like i care. lantak kau la nak beli brg baru ke hape. kalau cantik aku puji. or maybe aku bahan2 gurau ckp "ade org tu shopping woot2."

so yeah, it's good to see people change or should i say, improve their attitude. Alhamdulillah.
hopefully they will be istiqamah. but again, jgn rase bagus sgt eyh, because mmg dah menjadi lumrah ye, iman manusia itu boleh naik dan turun. well, im speaking here as i've been there, done that.

i've changed quite a lot. both in good way n bad way. i know.
nowadays, i hardly gado2 or ganas2, or sound2, or cari2 pasal dgn org tau.. and some more la. x perlu nak brag about it. haaaaa gud tak? teheeee :D

and the bad changes. well, i know this freom friends. this is what people observed from my pictures, and people that i have been hanging around, about me having a boyfriend, the way i dressed up, the way i hang out and treat the opposite sex (especially to those i'm close to). well, feel free to judge me. kalau korang rasa hak menilai dan menghakimi itu ada pada diri kalian. sebabnya ,as far as i concerned, the rights, belongs to only HIM, ALLAH the Almighty. :)

come on la people, i dont mess around with you guys, so stop messing around with me. and the only way to approach me is dgn cara baik n lemah lembut. serius aku suka org baik2 ni. tapi bukan orang yang poyo2 baik. ceewaaahhh aku plak nak classify org kan? takdela. tapi manusia punya naluri. ni semua cuma perasaan aku je. sbb tu kadang2 i randomly go and mengadu or manja2 with people yang tak rapat pon dgn aku tapi aku suka sbb die baik. :) oh, dgn cara bergurau senda dgn aku pon boleh. aku suka orang bergurau. serius aku x amek hati sgt la weyh. takpon korang mcm takut tgk muke aku yang garang ni n cara aku yang agak macho ni. hahahahhahaha ya right. try to know better okayh? i'm just fine. i dont bite. seriously.

and regarding heart. yelah, soal cinta. cinta pon macam iman juga. turun naik. so, paham2 lah. ah malaslah nak cakap pasal cinta ni. mcm geli jek. haha. pandai2 la fikir. Allah bagi kita akal untuk berfikir kan? ha lu pikir la sendiri.

ciao. assalamualaikum. may peace be upon you. :)

p/s : its been a while since i last wrote like this. yelah, looking back at my old blog. i tend to merapu2, talking about things sesuka hati. yalah. blog aku kan. skatilah, haha, gonna do some more update after this. :). i think im in the mood again. im gonna merepek2 here. haha

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